Free verse


Poetry in all times was the most succinct and accurate expressions of feelings, thoughts and emotions. However, any verse is subject to certain canons in form and content. The technique of versification, full of conventions to which each author is obliged, while respecting the size, rhyme and a certain number of rows. The only exception is the free verse that eludes literary canons.

For the first time this term appeared in the European poetry of the 20th century thanks to the supporters of this literary trend, as imagism. Its authorship belongs to the English writer, poet and literary critic Richard Aldington, who in 1914 described this succinct word and the work of such European as Hilda Doolittle, Frances Stewart flint, Ezra pound and Thomas Ernest Hulme. In particular, Richard Aldington said that free verse (French free verse) is one of the highest forms of poetry, as it allows the author to accurately convey my feelings in words.

In fairness it should be noted that the collection of image show to which Richard Aldington wrote the Preface, also included his 10 "free poetry". So very cool European critics took poetry anthology, and the term free verse for many years has become synonymous with bad taste and lack of poetic gift. In particular, the English critic and poet-modernist, T. S. Eliot described the adherents of this poetic genre as follows: "the author of the free verse is free throughout, except for the need to create good poetry".

By the mid-20th century the literary world was actually divided into two opposing camps, which were supporters and opponents of free verse. It is noteworthy that even eminent poets of this time, strictly adhering to the poetic canons, in the end, resorted to free verse in order to more fully and clearly to communicate their ideas. Such authors as Guillaume Apollinaire, Paul Eluard, Maria Louisa Kachnic, Nelly Sachs appealed to the fact that Libre is not a new form of poetry, and these poems can be found in authors of different eras. Classics same free verse can rightly be considered a biblical commandment that a child is well known to every Christian.

Modern literary critics are unanimous in the opinion that to write truly imaginative and sensual free verse can only people endowed with an undoubted poetic gift. That is why, sooner or later, proponents of the classical iambic and chorea are turning to poetry in prose. But work on the free verse is far more challenging than over conventional poem. The fact is that the now familiar framework of prosody in this case. There is no need carefully to rhyming words and to observe the size of each stanza. But it is necessary to have a truly enormous inner freedom, of familiar words to create a subtle poetic canvas, full of meanings, feelings and personal experiences.

Very often the free verse compared to prose, which is simply divided on the lines of the different lengths and put semantic accents. However, it is not so. In a paragraph, prose writing is a complete literary work in form and content. After reading the questions remain, and there is often a desire to find the continuation of the text. In free verse, everything is simple and clear, as every word is well thought out and accurate, but all together they create a very imaginative picture, concise, and comprehensible to others. It should also be noted that the free verse is much closer to many readers than the usual verses, as they have no pathos, artificiality and "high style", which is sometimes behind a palisade of words to discern the nature of the work.

Due to the fact that free verse is completely devoid of any conventions and canons, every author is entitled to use those means of expression, which in each case seem to him most acceptable. Therefore, free verse is often found in rhyme, which is used solely in order to correct accents in the poetic work. This technique is often used poets of the early 20th century.

Modern ideologist of free verse is considered Arvo Mets, who theoretically substantiated the need for the use of this poetic form for the more extensive and complete imaging. "The free verse represents a quantum leap forward the transition from the syllabic style of speech to a new element to element a complete dictionary word. Base, unit in a free verse becomes any meaningful word."
