What is lyric poetry? Part 1


Although in antiquity were made serious steps in the development of the concept of literary kinds (Aristotle), namely belongs to the scientifically based theory of the three literary genres, with which you can check the details by reading the article "Division of poetry into genera and species".

There are three kinds of literature: epic (from the Greek. Epos, the narrative), lyric (lyre was called the musical instrument, the accompaniment of which was performed chanting poems) and drama (from the Greek. Drama, action).

Introducing the reader to a particular object (the subject), the author chooses to it different approaches.

The first approach: it is possible to talk in detail about the subject, about events, about the circumstances of the existence of the subject and I. T.; the position of the author is to some extent removed, the author will act as a kind of chronicler, the narrator or storyteller will choose one of the characters; the key to this work will be just a story, a narrative about the subject, leading type of speech will be the narrative; this kind of literature is called epic.

Second approach: you can tell not so much about events as about the impression they made on the author of the feelings which they aroused; the image of the inner world, feelings, impressions and will refer to the lyrical genus of literature; it is the experience of becoming the main event lyrics.

Third approach: you can depict the subject in action, to show it on stage, to provide the reader and viewer it surrounded by other phenomena; this kind of literature is the drama; the drama the direct voice of the author would be least likely to sound in the remarks, that is the author's explanation of the action and dialogue of the characters.

The story of the events, the fate of the characters, their actions and adventures, the image of the external side of things (even feelings are shown from their symptoms). The author can directly Express their attitude to what is happening (the action).

The portrayal of events and relationships between characters on stage (a special way of writing of the text). Direct expression of the author's point of view, the text contains the stage directions (from the name tool).

Experience events; the depiction of feelings, inner peace, emotional state; a sense becomes the main event. Every kind of literature, in turn, includes a number of genres.

Genre is a historically formed group of works with common characteristics of content and form. These groups include novels, poems, elegies, short stories, satires, comedies, etc. In the literature often introduces the concept of literary form, is more of a concept than a genre. In this case, the novel would be considered a form of literature, and genres - different types of novel, for example, adventure, detective, psychological, novel parable, Roman dystopia, etc.
