A brief overview of contemporary poetry


The development of modern poetry begins with the 80-ies, because in this period there was a sharp rise, continuing to this day. The restructuring resulted in a leap from the socialist realism that prevailed in all spheres of art in the era, to the emergence of fundamentally new trends.

The poetry of the late XX century has given a bizarre synthesis of different genres. In this period the realistic poetry existed side by side with modernist and postmodernist experiments. Like "born again" school of the Silver century: futurism, acmeism; reawakened interest in decadence. Started to develop avant garde, in the era for obvious reasons not taken root on our soil. In this regard, the end of XX beginning of XXI century some scholars, not without reason called the Renaissance of poetry.

Complete freedom of speech, a conscious break with the criteria that stifle creative freedom as a result, the poets of the turn of the century was a discordant motley crowd, flooded the area where there was a single microphone, but everyone had it and was ready to broadcast. This is the "multilingualism" of modern poetry is reflected in the name of a large literary community "Babylon", founded in those years. Every poet should have their own language, everybody had a voice just listen was almost no one. On the square there were hundreds, thousands of poets and a few readers.

With the proliferation of the Internet, the situation changed. It turned out that poetry can be popular: there are many literary sites, in addition, verses have been actively published in social networks. Each poet has a chance to reach readers.

Of course, every coin has a flip side. And, of course, readers who no longer declare what is good and what is bad moves on this shaky ground is extremely unsteady gait. Navigate here almost as difficult as in the dark forest today you are offered a text about the Homeland, written in "classic" style, tomorrow is absurd, Sots art, the stream of consciousness in the form of free verse. But, reader, have already embarked on this path. And only up to the author where it will lead.
